Media literacy and the challenge of new information and communication technologies. Welcome to the companion websitethis site is intended to enhance your use of media literacy, eighth edition, by w. The television, the internet and mobile smartphones have allowed for the penetration of mediabased technology in virtually every aspect of our collective lifestyle. Media literacy teaches students how to navigate through the overwhelming flood of information found in todays mediasaturated world. James potter presents a guidebook to the often difficult terrain of the mediated world, providing a plan of action for students to develop their media literacy and analytical skills. Media literacy defined national association for media.
Promoting media literacy through early exposure to technology. In this mediasaturated world, we must learn how to navigate through the overwhelming flood of information so we can avoid the risks and maximize its potential to help us. How to think about media literacy sage publications ltd. Explain the proactive definition of media literacy. James potter enlightens readers on the tasks of information processing. Media literacy touches so many areas of life and work, its hard to contain it in one curriculum area or even one agegroup or subject. By building on a foundation of principles about how humans think.
Media education is the study of media, including hands on experiences and media production. New digital age people advanced the use of microelectronics in the invention of personal computers, mobile devices and wearable technology. Introduction media literacy potter flashcards and study. The seven great debates in the media literacy movement. Jan 08, 1998 media literacy, third edition helps students develop strong knowledge structures about the media. Introduction media literacy potter flashcards and study sets. James potter explores the key components to understanding the fascinating world of mass media. By becoming more media literate, we can avoid the potentially negative effects of. Media literacy enables people to have the skills, knowledge and understanding to make full use of the opportunities presented by both traditional and new communications services. Channel one news offers a perfect opportunity to teach media literacy that is, the knowledge and skills needed to access, analyze, evaluate, create and communicate using media in all of its forms. The combination of knowledge structures feeds information into the second factor, which is the personal locus. Assimilating the various conceptions of literacy and literacy types is becoming increasingly more complex.
Mar 11, 2018 media literacy 8th edition potter test bank full download. Media companies want to grow biggeroften by way of mergers and acquisitions. Potter presents numerous examples and facts to help students. First, we introduce the nine authors who have written the eight essays. At the foundation is the factor of knowledge structures. The news literacy project offers young minds a different point of view by combining teachers, working journalists and the students themselves to study and dissect actual news events to explain howand why the media operates.
Teens ages 18 spend an average of 9 hours a day using media while tweens ages 812 spend nearly 6 hours a day. This book is an abridged version of potters media literacy textbook and, like that book, its target audience is college students studying communications. In its simplest terms, media literacy builds upon the foundation of traditional literacy and offers new forms of reading and writing. Media literacy teaches readers how to navigate through the overwhelming flood of information found in todays mediasaturated world. Media literacy has been defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and. It is not only the precedent of new media literacy but also covered by the new media literacy framework in this paper. Media literacy notes chapter 12 media literacy notes. Learn introduction media literacy potter with free interactive flashcards. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Media literacy education thrives in interdisciplinary settings such as these, where media literacy can be used as a tool for curricular integration. We present utter variation of this ebook in doc, djvu, txt, pdf, epub forms. There is a need for a taxonomy of literacies that reflects more recent developments. Pdf media literacy and the challenge of new information and.
The news literacy project fosters precisely the kind of careful analysis of the news that students of all ages need to practice in an era when the avalanche of information available about public affairs threatens to bury the citizenry, said bill marimow, the editor of the inquirer. James potter has been a professor in the department of communication at the university of california, santa barbara since 2001. This study examines measures being taken across the european union to foster our critical appreciation and understanding of the mass media. How to use channel one news to teach media literacy. The purpose of the study smart2016008 is to provide a comprehensive snapshot of media literacy initiatives in europe it was financed by the european commission and written by the european audiovisual observatory the study is the first major mapping of this field in europe, providing a detailed analysis of the main trends, based on a selection of 547 projects. However, the academic literature reveals that media literacy education is a multifaceted and contested phenomenon. Media literacy also helps people to manage content and communications, and protect themselves and their families from the potential risks associated with using these services. Mar 27, 2017 media literacy our capacity to access, have a critical understanding of and interact with the media has never been as important as it is today. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the material. Reporting on media literacy in europe shaping europes. So what is the eu doing to encourage improved media literacy. See more ideas about media literacy, literacy and information literacy.
This is where decisions about information processing are motivated. In this section, we will outline the most important milestones in the development of literacy throughout the course of history, in order to give a precise definition of the scope and limits of media literacy. You can read introduction to media literacy online either load. Chapter i approaches existing and possible to media literacy the opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the european commission. The notion of media literacy has existed in the western for a long time. James potter argues that the media have a profound influence on the way we perceive the world by shaping our beliefs and expectations. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Media literacy ed national association for media literacy. How to improve media literacy thoughtful learning k12. A response to potter renee hobbs potters essay on the state of media literacy purports to represent the current state of the field, but omits much of the innovative work that has emerged in the last 10 years from scholars across the fields of communication, education, and public health. Choose from 5 different sets of introduction media literacy potter flashcards on quizlet. Metalitecy is an overarching comprehensive notion that provides an integrated and inclusive framework to cultivate critical thinking and proficiency in comprehending data, information, visuals and the media, particularly in technologymediated settings through fortifying lifelong learning and attaining the objective of engendering critical engagement in individuals.
James potter, professor at the university of california at santa barbara, holds one phd in communication studies and another in. Brown 1998, 44 states that media literacy means many things to many people. New law promotes media literacy, internet safety in schools washington leaders have passed a law that requires students to learn about media literacy and internet safety in schools. Drawing from thousands of media literature studies, bestselling author w. The model that is related to the new communicative environment is known as media literacy. Seven skills of media literacy null kindle edition by potter, w. Student resources this site is intended to enhance your use of main title only, which edition, by author names. James potter is a professor in the department of communication at the university of california at santa barbara where he teaches courses in media literacy, media content, and media effects. Media literacy empowers people to be critical thinkers and makers, effective communicators and active citizens. From its initial definition as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate aspen, 1992, the field of media literacy continues to evolve and expand as new technology leads to emerging insight. This initial essay in the media literacy symposium serves two purposes.
This book offers a detailed approach to studying media influences and presents readers with a clear vision of what it means to operate at a higher level of media literacy. In this age, the internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Media literacy teaches students how to navigate through the overwhelming flood of information found in todays media saturated world. Quotes tagged as medialiteracy showing 18 of 8 if you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it. James potter media literacy is a term that means many different things to d ifferent people scholars, educators, citizen activists, and the general public.
Media literacy from its initial definition as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate aspen, 1992, the field of media literacy continues to evolve and expand as new technology leads to emerging insight. Analyze faulty ideas about the media and media literacy so that you can avoid falling into the traps of that faulty thinking. A response to potter renee hobbs potters essay on the state of media literacy purports to represent the current state of the field, but omits much of the innovative work that has emerged in the last 10 years from scholars across the fields of. Chapter i approaches existing and possible to media. James potter, professor at the university of california at santa barbara, holds one phd in communication studies and another in instructional technology. Chapter i approaches existing and possible to media literacy. In teaching middle school and high school students how. He has been teaching media courses for more than two decades in the areas of effects on individuals and society, content narratives, structure and economics of media industries, advertising, journalism, programming, and production. Media literacy, third edition helps students develop strong knowledge structures about the media. Pdf media literacy and the challenge of new information. On an average day, american teens spend more time consuming media than attending school. Media literacy 8th edition potter test bank full download. The basic definition media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication.
With literacy rates high and the availability of public libraries in every city and almost every small town, access to books, magazines, newspapers, and audiovi. For example, at a biology class at new tech high in napa, california one of the 60 or more schools in the new tech network. Read online and download ebook theory of media literacy. This study measured levels of news media literacy among 500 teenagers using a new scale measure based on potters 2004 model of media literacy and adapted. Media literacy is the ability to encode and decode the symbols transmitted via media and the ability to synthesize, analyze and produce mediated messages. Potter chapter 2 notes exam 1with media literacy we need strong knowledge structures in five areas. Media literacy, media education, and the academy christ 1998. James potter introduction to media literacy in pdf format, then youve come to correct website. Support a digital and media literacy dml youth corps to bring digital and media literacy to underserved communities and special populations via public libraries, museums and other community centers. Whats more, these estimates exclude time spent using media for school or homework. Promoting media literacy through early exposure to technology introduction. His research focuses primarily on media literacy and media violence, and he is the author of. As christ and potter 1998 explain, a great variety of perspectives exists. His research focuses primarily on media literacy and media violence, and he is the author of the class textbook, media literacy.
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